Products & licenses

Är du LCA expert, forskare, hållbarhetsansvarig, eller produktutvecklare? There are several different types of SimaPro licenses, each tailored to specific needs. If you need help choosing a license - contact us!

Most common license for life cycle analysts

Expert User

€ 6 100/yearly subscription license

Two types of licenses

Yearly subscription license

With an annual license, you don't need to commit for a longer period, reducing the risk of unnecessary licensing costs. Support and updates included.

Perpetual license

A perpetual license is valid as long as the organization's service contract is active and updated. Contact us for more information and offer.


Expert User

€ 6 100/yearly subscription license

Power User

€ 7 800/yearly subscription license

Education and Research

SimaPro PhD

€ 2 000/yearly subscription license
€ 4 900/perpetual license

SimaPro Faculty

€ 3 000/yearly subscription license

Add-on license for those who work with Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) in the construction sector

Ecoinvent EN15804

€240/yearly subscription license (extra user: €216/per license)

This is an add-on focused on meeting the needs of LCA experts who create Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) for the construction industry. The license gives you access to Ecoinvent EN15804 with a larger library, more methods, and further support in adhering to standards for environmental product declarations.

Library of LCI data


SimaPro is equipped with many LCI datasets, including the renowned ecoinvent database, the new industry-specific Agri-footprint database, and the ELCD database.

The methods are consistent and transparent, allowing you to easily zoom in on your results through the different stages of your LCA.


An LCA is only as good and relevant as the data used. To effectively build and analyze LCA models, transparent, high-quality, and industry-accepted data is required for the most commonly used materials and processes. Quality datasets are included in your SimaPro license.  

With SimaPro, you gain access to the largest and most relevant data libraries. In the program, all results can be traced back to their origin with just a few mouse clicks. You can easily zoom in on “hotspots” or areas of focus. All datasets are harmonized in terms of structure, nomenclature, and are well-suited for life cycle impact assessment methods.

Service contract for perpetual licenses

A service contract provides access to updates for the SimaPro software, as well as included LCI libraries and LCIA methods. It also offers unlimited technical support regarding the installation and functionality of SimaPro.

Note: If an organization does not have an active service contract for a continuous license, it is not possible to renew the service contract. To access the latest updates, a new continuous license must be purchased in order to sign a new service contract!


När du köper en ny SimaPro-licens ingår alltid servicekontrakt i licenspriset för det första året. Serviceavtalet är giltigt i ett år och måste förnyas samtidigt som det tidigare avtalet avslutats. Det är inte möjligt att avbryta serviceavtalet under den avtalade tiden.

Professional Licenses (SimaPro Expert user, Power user) Per year
Service contract for single user
Service contract for multi user, each additional user
Educational Licenses (SimaPro PhD) Per year
Service contract for SimaPro PhD

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