We help you with SimaPro

Whether you have questions about SimaPro licenses, installation, technical support, or need training, we are here to help. We aim to respond within 48 hours. Please visit our FAQ to find answers to the most common questions.

Contact our support

If you can’t find an answer to your question in our FAQ, you can send an email to us at support@simapro.se  or fill in the contact form. Our goal is to handle all inquiries within 48 hours. Technical support is included free of charge with a valid service contract. We also offer advice on LCA with SimaPro in the form of coaching hours. Contact us for a quote.

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Courses in SimaPro

For those who need support in getting started with SimaPro or wish to deepen their knowledge of SimaPro, MiljöGiraff offers e-learning courses on a digital platform. Below is a selection of courses you can find on Miljögiraff-online plattform


Model cradle to gate in SimaPro

Location: Digital platform
Language: English
Certificate: No

In this short course we go through the basics of modeling a cradle to gate LCA in SimaPro. Step by step we guide you on how to navigate in the software and start building your product life cycle and calculate a first result.

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LCA med SimaPro

Plats: Digital utbildningsplattform och videomöten
Studietakt: 6-8 h/vecka
Språk: Svenska
Certifikat: Ja
Nästa kursstart: Jan 2024

Miljögiraff erbjuder en längre fördjupande kurs i SimaPro som vänder sig till dig som är ny inom LCA och SimaPro men även till dig som börjat jobba i SimaPro och som vill lyfta dina kunskaper till nästa nivå. Programmet sträcker sig över 3 månaders tid och går att delta i parallellt med att du jobbar. Du får tillgång till inspelat material, FAQ frågor och digitala övningar som du kan jobba med i egen takt.



LCA with SimaPro

Location: Digital platform and video meetings
Study pace: 6-8 h/week
Language: English
Certificate: Yes
Next course start: Jan 2024

This course is for those who are new to LCA and SimaPro, but also to those who have started working in SimaPro and want to take their skills to the next level. The program extends over 3 months and can be taken in parallel with your work. You get access to recorded material, FAQ questions and digital exercises that you can work on at your own pace.

Miljögiraff offers
support & coaching
in LCA and SimaPro

MiljöGiraff offers coaching sessions in LCA with SimaPro. These are individual digital tutorials with one of our LCA experts, where we answer your questions about LCA using SimaPro. The coaching sessions are purchased in packages of 10 hours and can be scheduled via the calendar. Contact us for a quote. After the quote is accepted, you will receive a contract key to book your appointment

Do you already have an agreement? Book an appointment

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