
Hankkija uses SimaPro to reduce the environmental impact of agriculture.
Hankkija conducts cost-effective life cycle assessments with SimaPro for a wide range of agricultural products and services. With SimaPro, they easily perform assessments based on various methods, and product templates created using the program facilitate the team’s work. Open and dynamic calculation aids in understanding the current environmental impact. SimaPro also easily adapts to situations where data or requirements have changed, for example, due to research findings.
Several years ago, Hankkija recognized the need to produce life cycle assessments (LCAs) and environmental calculations for its products and services. They carefully considered how the evaluations and calculations could best be conducted and what skills would be required. SimaPro was chosen as Hankkija’s life cycle assessment software in 2022.
“We needed a versatile software for our wide range of products and services. We perform life cycle assessments continuously, and therefore SimaPro is more cost-effective for us than having several separate assessments done by consulting firms,” says Lumi Parviainen, Sustainability Manager at Hankkija.
Hankkija is Finland’s leading agricultural and machinery store and the country’s largest manufacturer of industrial animal feed. They have 53 stores and the industry’s largest online store.
In addition to products and services, Hankkija produces important research data in agriculture. The company also plays a significant role in Finnish primary production and food safety.
Transparency is good for the planet
Understanding the natural processes of agriculture and applying that knowledge to environmental accounting is not a straightforward and simple task. Only when different parts of the life cycle assessment (LCA) have been opened up and we know the factors influencing them, is it possible to make wise decisions for the planet.
Lumi Parviainen asserts that an open assessment process is the only way we can make improvements to the current environment and combat climate change. It’s important to know the details of the calculation and see how the result is constructed.
“In my opinion, the components of the life cycle assessment should be public. There should be no secrets – the work, discussion, and scientific thinking should be accessible to everyone. Keeping secrets at this point slows down the work, which is already delayed,” she emphasizes.
A tool for the team
Understanding the natural processes of agriculture and applying that knowledge to environmental accounting is not a straightforward task. Only when different parts of the life cycle assessment (LCA) are deconstructed and the factors affecting them are understood, can informed decisions be made for the planet.
Lumi Parviainen asserts that an open assessment process is the only way we can make improvements to the current environment and combat climate change. It is crucial to know the details of the calculation and to see how the result is constructed.
“In my opinion, the components of the life cycle assessment should be public. There should be no secrets – the work, the discussion, and the scientific thinking should be accessible to everyone. Secrets at this point slow down the work, which is already delayed,” she emphasizes.
Reducing environmental impact is possible across various sectors. Hankkija has hired several highly educated experts representing different areas from animal feeding to soil research and crop production. Life cycle assessments should not just be for digital experts. Instead, they should benefit from multidisciplinary expertise and scrutiny. Fortunately, Hankkija has excellent opportunities for this.
“SimaPro was the right choice for our long-term and versatile work for the environment. There are many advantages: we can ensure the accuracy of data from start to finish, and even go back and improve details when new research results are obtained,” praises Lumi Parviainen.
Dynamic life cycle assessment supports the principle of continuous improvement for the benefit of the environment.
SimaPro - Multidisciplinary and multimethodological tool
“We cannot just focus on the climate impact of our operations because the management of our activities must be based on a comprehensive improvement of the environmental condition. When reporting to customers and stakeholders, a multidisciplinary examination of products and services is of great importance.”
Lumi Parviainen goes on to say that besides SimaPro, there are few systems or even consultants capable of conducting a multidisciplinary and future-defining assessment.
“It is very useful that we can examine the results with different methods, so that a result from one set of calculations can be viewed from many perspectives. For example, the carbon footprint using the IPCC method, which corresponds to climate impact, and the EF and/or ReCiPe method, which corresponds to environmental impact from a broader perspective.”
Best in capable hands
Lumi Parviainen explains that SimaPro can be used for versatile and unique life cycle assessments, and it is definitely designed for researchers and specialists.
“It is not the simplest system on the market, so the user’s competence and care are definitely reflected in how much benefit is derived from the calculations. With the same software, you can serve many customers and purposes.”
Lumi Parviainen praises SimaPro for allowing the main user to create product-specific templates, among other features. Other experts can easily use them without having to delve into calculation rules, standards, and many databases.
By knowing where we are today we can create a better future
Lumi Parviainen explains that SimaPro is capable of conducting versatile and unique life cycle assessments and is specifically designed for researchers and specialists.
“It’s not the easiest system on the market, so the competence and care of the user definitely reflect in the benefit derived from the calculations. With the same software, you can serve many customers and purposes.”
Lumi Parviainen commends SimaPro because the main user, along with add-ons, can create product-specific templates, among other things. This allows other experts to use them easily without needing to delve deep into calculation rules, standards, and numerous databases.
To systematically work on reducing environmental impact, one must know and fully understand the current situation.
“Decisions made today affect everyone’s future. Therefore, we have the responsibility to make decisions in such a way that we understand their direct and indirect effects, both positive and negative, on our environment,” says Hankkija’s Lumi Parviainen.
“We must seek out problems and confront them with courage. Claiming ignorance is no longer an acceptable answer – all tools must be utilized for a better future,” she emphasizes.

Hankkija is a nationwide retail and service chain for agricultural products, machinery, hardware, and gardening. Hankkija has 63 retail stores and 8 machinery centers.
In 2022, Hankkija’s net sales amounted to 958 million EUR, and the company employs 1000 people in Finland.