
Digitalization of Climate Calculations: Tacton Integrates SimaPro into CPQ Solution
Tacton, a leading provider of configuration, pricing, and quoting solutions (CPQ) for manufacturers, has launched its latest innovation – Environmental Footprint Configuration. The product is the result of a collaboration between Tacton, MiljöGiraff, and PRé Sustainability. Tacton aims to transform the manufacturing industry by enabling companies and their customers to make informed decisions that align with sustainability goals.

Tacton recognizes an increasing demand for climate calculations early in the sales process.
Many of Tacton’s clients are manufacturing companies. With increasing pressure from legislation and their customers, these companies wish to conduct climate calculations early in the sales process, already during the quotation stage. Tacton saw an opportunity to integrate LCA software into their CPQ solution, and the task was assigned to SimaPro.
Automated Calculations with the Help of SimaPro
Successful pilot project with lifts
To demonstrate the potential of the solution to perform live calculations of economic parameters and environmental results for complex products, a pilot project based on a fictional Tacton customer was conducted. The prototype showcases how the solution can be used in the customer’s sales process. Elevators were chosen as the example product due to their complexity, with each elevator sold needing to be configured according to each new end customer’s specifications.
Through close collaboration between Tacton, PRé Sustainability, and Miljögiraff, Miljögiraff’s expertise in LCA modeling of elevators was used to develop an elevator model in the SimaPro Online Platform. This model was linked and developed in parallel with the model for the fictional elevator company in Tacton’s CPQ tool.
The outcome was a working prototype in Tacton’s CPQ tool with a fully configurable elevator where, with the push of a button, LCA results for a customer-specific elevator can be calculated.
The solution is the first of its kind, but Tacton, Miljögiraff, and PRé Sustainability believe that the automation and digitization of climate data are the future. Through the robustness of SimaPro and its ability to be integrated into various business systems, we can be more proactive in promoting sustainable development.
Tacton is the leading CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) SaaS partner for automating the design-to-sales process for industrial manufacturers.
Are you interested in digitalizing and automating your climate data?
If you want to learn more about how you can use SimaPro as a calculation engine and integrate it into your digital solutions, you should reach out to sales@simapro.se.
There are many possible paths forward for scaling up and digitalizing sustainability data related to products and services.